HALIFAX REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY – NOVA SCOTIA [360 degree panoramic 400′ aerial tour of the ‘Hub of The East Coast’]


Best viewed in full screen!  You can click on any of the spheres hovering in the sky to take you to a new place to view.  Use you mouse to move around inside that 360 degree spherical panorama just like you would on any virtual home tour.  This time, you are 400′ above.  Hope you enjoy!   For uninterrupted vistas of the area, hit “Collapse” to remove the left menu, and “Show/Hide Hotpsots”. 


…or HRM for short, which is a fairly recent name after the 1996 amalgamation of Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford and Halifax County (which previously amalgamated several other area communities in the 60’s). Confused yet?  Most people will interchange HRM and Halifax as one in the same, but only until you move here.  You’ll soon distinguish the area you’re living and refer to that area with its original name :D. 
Because there are so many reasons to visit, deciding to stay shouldn’t be hard! Here are a few to consider – Our Halifax Aaterfront Boardwalk extends over 4km showcasing many music venues, restaurants, pubs, and crafts; Lake Banook is renowned on the World stage for rowing competitions and championships; East Coast Music can be heard throughout the province.  Too many more to write in this little block.  It’s time to take flight and enter the tour above. Hope you enjoy!
HALIFAX REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY Includes but not limited to: Halifax, Dartmouth, Eastern Passage, Lower/Middle/Upper Sackvilles, Fall River, Bedford and more outlying communities such as Lake Echo, Mineville, Porters Lake, and more.
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